These days i have had hard time of retracting a solution to deploy a new version of it.
Although i have tried manually and through stsadm/code the solution retraction never completes and gives the status as retracting forever. i have jotted down some workarounds that might work when Solution deployment hungs while deploying a solution :
- Run execadmsvcjobs that will forcefully run the timer jobs
stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs
- Delete the eixsting timer job for the retraction and retry retracting
From UI central admin -> operations -> Time Job Definitions ->click on timer job and delete. For the timer jobs that do not have the delete option enabled stsadm utility can be used,
stsadm -o deletesptimerjob -title -id
To get the job id for the timer try the following
stsadm -o enumssptimerjobs
- If running out of options then stop retracting and delete the solution using override
stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs
- Delete the eixsting timer job for the retraction and retry retracting
From UI central admin -> operations -> Time Job Definitions ->click on timer job and delete. For the timer jobs that do not have the delete option enabled stsadm utility can be used,
stsadm -o deletesptimerjob -title -id
To get the job id for the timer try the following
stsadm -o enumssptimerjobs
- If running out of options then stop retracting and delete the solution using override
stsadm -o deletesolution -filename -override